Tuesday, October 28, 2014

The Running Dream by Wendelin Van Draanen

For 16 year old runner, Jessica, running is her life. It's her breathing, sleeping, eating, really it's just who she is. But when a tragedy happens and Jessica's leg gets crushed, her dreams go with it. Jessica doesn't want to go on with life, but when she gets up and out of bed she meets a life full of new opportunity. Soon, Jessica begins to know Rosa, a girl with cerebral palsy who is always overlooked. Rosa becomes Jessica's savior in math and brings many new opportunities to her life. Not all to soon Jessica gets hit with the reality: I might be able to run again.

This book was very good. Even though I couldn't relate to what she was going through, the book made me feel like I could. Jessica has many ups and downs during the book and it was a very "fun" story. I recommend this to anyone in our class, but if you get easily grossed out, the book goes into a bit of detail about what is going on with her leg. There are also a few bad words. You should read this book!!! 
Enjoy!! :)


  1. The Martian - Gavin
  2. Shooting The Moon - Abby
  3. Eleanor And Park - Haley
  4. Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close - Nate

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Everlost By Neal Shusterman

Nick and Allie are in a car crash. They don't survive, but they don't die either. Instead they end up as afterlights in a place called Everlost. Everlost is a shadow of the world they once lived in. Now they are invisible without any human contact. Allie and Nick begin to learn the basics of being in Everlost, and all to soon they come upon Mary Hightower, a girl who has been stuck in Everlost for years, and is now "protecting" children. Nick loves Miss Mary and does everything to please her, but Allie isn't so sure. Allie only wants to get where she is going and stop being an afterlight. Could there be a way to go where she wants, along with most of the other kids, that Mary has been hiding?

Ok, this book is my new favorite book! It is so creative to imagine an almost afterlife.  This book lets you really get to know the characters. You also really understand this place Everlost. This book is 313  pages, but has such an incredible story, it really is the perfect length. READ THIS BOOK, and enjoy finding Everlost and it's story (especially about what I couldn't put in the summary...)



1. Egg and Spoon
2. To Kill A Mocking Bird
3. A Wrinkle in Time

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Hungry by H. A Swain

Thalia Apple lives in the future, and in the future food is gone. People take medicine to give nutrition and relive hunger. Thalia doesn't mind this, but she is unlike the others. She isn't a huge fan of all the big technology entertainment centers, instead she likes learning about the past. When she meets Basil, a boy part of a movement to bring food back, she starts feeling the hunger, and so does the boy.

I liked this book because it has a very interesting story and you learn more facts as the book progresses. I do think you should read it, but the writing isn't all that great. There is one slightly inappropriate part, but otherwise this book is ok.


  1. Egg and Spoon
  2. School of Good And Evil
  3. Fever

Monday, October 6, 2014

Firecraker by David Iserson

Astrid Krieger is the seventeen year old who just got expelled from Bristol Academy, the boarding school. Now, she lives in a rocket ship prototype in her parent's estate's backyard. Now she is accused of cheating (though she did cheat, but at Bristol Academy who doesn't?), living with her family which she really dislikes (other the her grandfather), she was expelled from her vary favorite place, and now as further punishment, she has to go to public school for the very first time.

I really liked this book. It was a rather quick read, only 331 pages, but with relatively big font (maybe 14 or 15?). It also reminds me of the book Looking For Alaska, for it has similar pranks and the main Alaska is a lot like Astrid. It had very interesting twists and turns. I also liked how the reader finds out more and more information about her family as the book goes on. This book does have some bad language, but is ok other than that.

Enjoy! :)

TBR List:

1. Between shades of Grey -- recommended by Haley R.
2. Farenheit 451 -- recommended by Lydia
3. House Of Ivy and Sorrow -- recommend by Hailey HH
4. Egg and Spoon 
5. Ready Player One -- recommended by Fyodor and Gavin