Monday, December 8, 2014

The Wish by Gail Carson Levine

Wilma Sturtz is a really unpopular eight grader. One day, she offers her seat to an old lady on the subway and the lady offers to grant Wilma a wish. Wilma does't believe the old lady, but wishes to be popular at school. After a while everyone wants to go to the dance with her and sit next to her or be her best friend. But soon, Wilma realizes that her wish might not last through high school.

I like Wilma as my favorite character because she tells the story in a great way and doesn't change her personality or opinions once she is popular. This book has no content warnings and is a really short read: 200 pages. 


  1. The Wish seems very, um... spooky. Does it last throughout high school? Is she happy? I like this book description. Sounds interesting.

  2. Awesome! This actually sounds pretty good!

  3. I want to read that book! It sounds super cool!
