Friday, November 7, 2014

SOL #1: Boats and People

As we pull in to our garage, I hear a NPR news broadcast coming on. The woman starts to talk about how there are boats who wear flags of countries that they have never been to. They were not made there, and haven't been there, so why do they have the flag? It turns out that countries pay tips to boats to have them wear the flag. I jump out of the car and walk into our house. I start thinking about these boats who have some of their identity stolen. People assume that the boat is from the country which it's flag states. Then I began to think, do people walk around, like the boats, wearing different flags to fit in? I wondered how many people hide their self just so they can live with the people around them. This is weird, so brace yourself, people are a lot like boats. We go into waves, run into obstacles, and ride on the tide. As I sit down to eat my Noodles And Company dinner, I wonder am I one of these people?


  1. Wow Sophie, that was really creative. I don't think I could think of something like that. I also like Noodles and Company. ;)

  2. I love this, thoughtful and well written. It is such a unique way of looking at people that makes so much sense. I for sure have my times of being a boat with the wrong flag, so to speak.

  3. I love how you take a moment and turn into deep thoughts and personal introspection. Your words make me do just that as I consider what you have said. Great first slice!

  4. That fact is really interesting, and your slice is super good!

  5. I really like that! All the questions, everything! And how you leave your slice at a cliff hanger...

  6. I love your train of thought and how you went to think about how people can relate to boats. You described it really well too, and it felt like I was right there with you.
