Friday, March 6, 2015

March 6 SOL

I love looking at pictures of cute little owls.
It is like looking at the cutest perfect thing.
Their beaks smile.
Their eyes smile.
Owls are very smiley.
But then there are the mean owls.
The wise owls.
The night owls.
The creepy owls.
The whoot-y owls.
But I like the cute owls.
I had a friend.
She loved owls.
Especially snow-y white owls. 
I had another friend.
She was scared of them.
I used to think we had owls.
They hooted and hooted.
they were pigeons.
Do pigeons sound like owls?
If your hand isn't to tired.
Or if you are actually still reading...
Scroll back up.
Look at that cute owl.
His perfect yellow eyes.
So cute.
Did you scroll back down?
Why am I writing about owls?
They aren't my favorite animal.
I don't want one or anything.
I like looking at pictures of them and all...
I don't really know.


  1. I like how you say their eyes smile. Owls are so cute!

  2. I like how you added some humor into this slice, it's a nice touch.

  3. Owls are my favorite animal. Specifically the Snowy Owl!
