Thursday, March 19, 2015

SOL March 19

Almost four hours ago, there was a snip. A tiny little snip from a pair of scissors that marked no turning back. No turning back from a change, a big change. This change would take more than a few moths to grow back. Almost three hours and forty-five minutes ago there was another snip. That snip marked being halfway done. Then, almost three hours and fifteen minutes, you could hear a snip. A snip that marked the end. It marked the end of cutting off almost six inches from my hair.


  1. I like how you described how much of a long-lasting impact each snip would make. Nice work!

  2. This is fabulous, I can't wait to see your new haircut. Anyway, this is a great description of that moment. It's always really scary to do something radical different to your hair.

  3. Really cool way to write about your haircut (which looks great). I like your use of time and opposite words within the description. Makes the implications of the action bigger with just a few words.
