Sunday, March 8, 2015

SOL March 8

I fly high through the air soaring, but suddenly hit the ceiling. Ouch, ouch, oh! I bump along through the rafters. I come flying down, dropping faster and faster. I hit the cement ground with a soft ping and bounce back up. But not as high because a huge hand comes swooping out of the air on to me. Suddenly I am thrown up and hit with a wooden paddle. I land on the table with another ping, leaping up to greet the other paddle. It hits me with another ping, and I go across the table over and over again. Then, suddenly, I come crashing down on cement and roll into the dust. I am grabbed by the big hand and, once again,  hit by the paddle into the rafters. Bang, bang, oh, ouch! I land, trapped between the ceiling, laying on top of the open garage door. Then, I begin rolling and rolling and fall, landing in the big hand to once again be hit by the paddle. I am a ping-pong ball.


  1. I like that you wrote about the pingpong ball, as if you were the pingpong ball. I also like to play pingpong, except I don't have a pingpong table.

  2. It's interesting to hear about ping pong from the balls perspective. I'll have to remember to be more gentle in the future ☻! Nice slice!

  3. I love how you described your self as a ping pong ball!

  4. This is really good! Your descriptive language actually makes me feel like a ping pong ball!!
    -Annie from ISKL
