Saturday, March 14, 2015

SOL March 14

Today is Pi(e) day. By the way: This is some of Pi: 3.141592653589793238462643832795....

  1.  Today (3. 14 15) at 9:26 and 53 seconds make a wish (for 3.141592653) 
  2.  Today 3. 14 at 1:59 and 26 seconds make a wish (for 3.1415926)
  3.  Eat a piece of pie.
  4.  Now!
  5.  Count the letters in each word: May I have a large container of coffee?  (they equal pi (3.1415926))
  6. Pi is thought to have been used to make ancient Egyptian pyramids 
  7. Have a good day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 
  8. Cool video:

Photo and Video Credit: "Pi Day Isn't Just Magical, It's Mathematics. And There's Pie!" NPR. NPR, n.d. Web. 14 Mar. 2015.


  1. Funny. Have a happy Pi day everybody!

  2. Happy Pi day! I like that you gave different challenges.

  3. Pi! I love the number but not so much the food, except for key lime pie. I like the song.

  4. Ultimate pi day: March 14th, 1592, 6:53:58
